Tag Archives: Jan Bickerton

Marketing Art and Increasing Visitors

Just found a link from Beths 1st Angel site about marketing art and increasing visitors. It talks about using social media and the new ways to communicate which are coming out. Worth a read.


Shared by Jan Bickerton

FAA & Posting to Google+

‘d like to share what I’ve been doing over on Google+ and I’d be interested to hear what you do there.

At least once a day, often 2 or 3 times during the day I will post a piece from my FAA portfolio. I post a good sized watermarked image for visual impact with a link to that piece on my Artist Website. I try to say something about it. Then I post links to all the daily photography and art themes which that particular image is suitable for. This increases your audience and sometimes the theme page will do a feature widening the audience further.

To find all the daily themes see the link below. All you need to do is copy and paste the string of links and when you post, the links become live.
