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A Closer Look at Complementary Colors

A Closer Look at Complementary Colors

“The Dance” by Matisse

Take a close look at Matisse’s painting The Dance, shown above. What is it about this painting that makes it “pop”? The dancers seem like they’re almost floating on top of the background. Why is that?

Matisse was a master colorist, so he chose his colors carefully. He knew that when orange and blue are placed next to each other, they each appear brighter and more intense. Here’s why:

Orange and blue are complementary colors. Complementary colors have a special relationship because they are opposites on the color wheel. Take a look at the color wheel below:

You’ll notice that yellow and blue are also complementary colors. Red and green make up another complementary pair.

When complementary colors are placed next to each other in a painting or drawing, the artwork seems to vibrate. Complementary pairs can make an artwork more eye-catching and dynamic. For this reasons, many artists (like Matisse) make the conscious choice to use complementary colors in their compositions.

Read the Full article here:


Selling often comes down to marketing and who you market too. But more importantly you need to have work that people want to buy.

Selling images is not that easy. And explaining to people why they are not selling often comes out more like an insult then anything else. Some people make it look easy, but it’s not. Selling often comes down to marketing and who you market too. But more importantly you need to have work that people want to buy.

Read Full Story:

Evaluating your own work to sell – by Mike Savad

—Mike Savad

How to take a great hummingbird photograph. By Anne Rodkin

RE: Hummingbird photos…. Posted by Anne Rodkin

Wings in Motion by Anne RodkinA trick I learned in Costa Rica is to tape over all of the holes in a feeder, except one. Into that hole, place a nice flower (preferably something with a good size to it, like Hibiscus, or Trumpet Flower). Add some hummingbird nectar to the center of the flower. Stay seated quietly, but get everything composed and focused as you want it, and just wait until the bird(s) approach the flower, and start shooting. It’s helpful to use a shutter cable for this.

If you want to go a step further, you can place some colored backdrops if you have them, to avoid any sort of cluttered background. And a few well placed flash units don’t hurt either.

I think you’ll be amazed at the photos you will get, and they’ll always look natural.

I wish I had taken more shots of hummers in Costa Rica, because I’ve never seen one here where I live. There are several in my gallery area though if you want to see what I’m talking about. And yes, these were all at feeders.

You might find this article of interest. Greg gives tours throughout Central America, and also does some at his own home in Costa Rica.

Editors note:
This image will work well on Facebook, Google + and Twitter. The landscape orientation of the photograph will look great.

How to Create Consistently Remarkable Content

How to Create Consistently Remarkable Content
by Lisa @ Next Level Consulting & Virtual Assistance
Content is the foundation of the internet and thus any successful business provides an abundance of it. Unfortunately for many marketers, this means the re-purposing of the same old topics, ideas, and information. Google’s never-ending quest to ensure that quality content gets primary recognition on the search results means that today more than ever, it’s vital to your success to create consistently remarkable content.

Becoming a reliable source of quality information is about more than search engine results. It also positions you as a credible, trustworthy, and respected source online. Content can make or break your business. The key is to regularly generate excellent content.

So how do you create consistently remarkable content and what exactly does “remarkable” mean?

The Free Dictionary defines remarkable as 1. Worthy of notice. 2.  Attracting notice as being unusual or extraordinary.

So you must write content that is unusual or extraordinary. No small task, right? Well, here are a few tips and strategies that can help.

#1 Be Passionate

It is darned near impossible to create consistently remarkable content if you have little or no interest in your topic. Sure – you might be able to create a few great pieces. However, to create them day after day you really do need to love your topic.

#2 Be Excited

When you’re writing your content, or creating your video or audio content, it helps to feel genuinely excited about what you’re saying.  Your enthusiasm will most certainly come through.  Your word choice and the information you share changes when you feel excited about your topic.  If you can’t feel enthusiasm as you write, at least muster up a smile 🙂

#3 Learn, Connect, Grow

Content on today’s internet is all about sharing. People Pin, Tweet, Like and Share content to show their enthusiasm. Dive in and become part of the community. Learn something new every day about your industry. Connect with others who are involved in or interested in your topic. Share what you learn with others in the form of, yep you guessed it…remarkable content.

Being remarkable isn’t about being a highly skilled writer. It’s not even about being the best or most knowledgeable person in your industry. Being remarkable is about being excited to talk about your niche topic in new and interesting ways. It’s about giving each and every piece of content you create 100% of your attention, focus, and enthusiasm.

So the next time you sit down to brainstorm content ideas and to write content, think about what excites you. Think about how you can share that information in a way that will offer value to your audience. Great content doesn’t need to be lengthy and it doesn’t need to be complicated.

Loving Quotes

People love QUOTES!! Make sure you sprinkle those around…I get so many retweets of those…and if you stick a tinyURL at the end with a picture to go with the quote…well….you just might get more interest. 🙂

I am done with huge links that say FAA…that is a turn off…and yes boring…TinyURL is the only way!

Sharon Cummings