A Closer Look at Complementary Colors

A Closer Look at Complementary Colors www.segmation.com

“The Dance” by Matisse

Take a close look at Matisse’s painting The Dance, shown above. What is it about this painting that makes it “pop”? The dancers seem like they’re almost floating on top of the background. Why is that?

Matisse was a master colorist, so he chose his colors carefully. He knew that when orange and blue are placed next to each other, they each appear brighter and more intense. Here’s why:

Orange and blue are complementary colors. Complementary colors have a special relationship because they are opposites on the color wheel. Take a look at the color wheel below:

You’ll notice that yellow and blue are also complementary colors. Red and green make up another complementary pair.

When complementary colors are placed next to each other in a painting or drawing, the artwork seems to vibrate. Complementary pairs can make an artwork more eye-catching and dynamic. For this reasons, many artists (like Matisse) make the conscious choice to use complementary colors in their compositions.

Read the Full article here: http://segmation.wordpress.com/2011/03/06/a-closer-look-at-complementary-colors-www-segmation-com/


2 Responses to “A Closer Look at Complementary Colors”

  1. Thank you for posting my blog. Much appreciated! http://www.segmation.wordpress.com

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